5 Day Social Media Detox Plan

Rutvi Dhruva
4 min readApr 24, 2021


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

“What you doin, where you at, oh you got plans, don’t say that”

I am sorry but now this song will ring in your head for much longer than you think. That is the power of today’s social media apps with features like reels and remix to get you glued to your phones 24/7. But recently, now there is another thing trending — “Social Media Detox.” This term is pretty self-explanatory and there are different people trying out different ways to get their social media detox in action.

And, we are going to do so too, but this is going to be fun! I’ll make sure you don’t miss your social media apps, promise. Did I lure you into reading this blog? Great! Let’s get started then!

Here’s your 5 Day Social Media Detox Plan! Let’s go!

Day 1 — Start With The Basics

We all know by now how harmful it is for our mental health to check our socials first thing in the morning and last thing before we go to bed. So let’s eliminate that! Stop using your phones for the first hour in the morning and the last hour before ending the day.

To make this less boring, you can schedule morning and night routines where you can journal, meditate, do yoga, read or do whatever makes you feel happy.

If this seems too easy for you, you can also add not checking your phones while waiting for your coffee to brew, your desserts to bake, waiting for the signal to turn red, etc. At this time try being conscious of the surroundings, because after all, that’s the whole point of these social media detoxes, right?

Day 2 — Hold Your Breaths!

Photo by Cristian Dina from Pexels

Day 1 was easy-peasy, but Day 2, let me tell you, this is no joke, we are getting things serious here (don’t worry, this is just me trying to get your heart rates up, we are gonna have fun).

Today is going to be a complete detox. You need to turn off the notifications of your phone and also keep it in a different room. To put it into simple words, you and your phone need some social distancing (*absolutely amazed at my own wordplay*).

Turning off your notifications can actually lure you more into opening the apps and checking your socials, that is where keeping the phone in a different room becomes a genius plan. You will be amazed how many times you tap your desk, searching for your phone, and realize that you are on a social media detox and you absolutely hate this.

But you will feel good at the end of the day, I promise. (The number of promises I am making in this blog is scary!)

Day 3 — Let’s Take A Breather

I know you hate me by Day 2. So here’s an interesting task for you. Remember the book you started that you just couldn’t seem to finish? It’s time to take it out again and lock your phone there instead!

Yes, you heard it right! Pick out your book from the shelf, and keep your phone there instead. The rule is simple: Finish the book, take the phone! You might need someone to keep you accountable for this, so choose a family member or friend, somebody who can keep a tab on you.

Also, if you are not more of a reader person, what better day is it to start today?

Don’t whine, this is easy okay?

Day 4 — You Are Almost There!

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

The plan for today is to let your phone die! Yes phone, may you rest in peace. You can use your phone the entire day unless your phone has no battery left and you have got nothing to do with it, but watch it die peacefully.

Also, the rule for this is that you wouldn’t use your social media on other devices either. If this is too difficult for you or you just can’t let your phone switch off just in case of emergency, then dig a grave in your drawer and bury it alive there. You are not going to touch your phone, period.

Day 5 — You Are A Conqueror!

For the last day, let’s only use our phones for 30 minutes and then delete the apps. That’s it. C’mon, you can do this, we have done worse in the past few days. I haven’t made a plan for the weekends because for me personally, these days are actually for me to socialize and unwind, but you can surely continue if you want to.

Just make sure that by overdoing you do not fall back to square one and instead get more addicted to your phone. You need a break from social media, you also need a break from social media detox.

Final Words

I want to say that I am really proud of you if you are taking up this challenge, and it is okay if you suck at it the first time. You are doing something for yourself, it doesn’t have to be perfect. I am sure, with time, you will become a pro at this and even write a blog about it, who knows, right?



Rutvi Dhruva

Hi, there! This page is all about positivity and bringing mental health awareness. Hope one of my blogs makes your day brighter!