Having A Bad Day? Let’s Turn it Around!

Rutvi Dhruva
3 min readApr 18, 2021
Photo by Spring Toan from Pexels

Now there’s this day that appears once in a while when everything goes wrong and you feel like how is everything going wrong today? Something about the energy of the day tells you that somehow whatever I do today is going to end up messed up.

Now the day is about to end and you realize that the events of the day have deeply affected your mood and inner peace. So, are we going to just sit and throw tantrums about how and why life has to throw lemons at you from time to time or, are we going to try making ourselves feel better? *Please go with the latter one so that I can continue with the blog*

So here are a few activities you can try to lift up your mood after a bad day:

Bathroom Singers On The Floor, Please!

If you are somebody like me, you probably do this activity every day. If not, all you have to do is go for a nice shower after the long day you have had, accept that life sucks, and play your favorite songs. Now sing along or dance along and have the time of your life!

Crappy Day Asks For A Nap

Photo by Alan Cabello from Pexels

Sometimes all you need is sleep to heal. You had a bad day, you are tired emotionally, what better way to feel energized? Just take a 20-minute nap and when you wake up, you will be fresh and realize half of the things you thought were bothersome, were not really that bothersome.

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed!

We all have a friend who irritates us our entire lives, gives really bad advice, but you still go to them whenever anything goes wrong? Yes, the person you imagined while reading this, may it be your friend, sibling, parent, relative, go to them, tell them about your crappy day and maybe binge-watch something funny together. Sounds like a great date?

Less Stress, More Gratitude

Photo by Alan Cabello from Pexels

When you know your day isn’t going well, why would you want to add more tasks to ruin it further? Just let go of the unimportant tasks (yes, this is your cue to procrastinate) and instead add some gratitude exercises. When you create a gratitude list of people around you, things around you, situations, circumstances, and whatnot, you realize that life is so much more than this bad day.

Get Your Blood Pumping

Go for a walk or a run or a workout and let your feel-good hormones in. And if you are not in the mood for that, maybe have a dance party or simply just hug yourself or your loved ones. Just tell your feel-good hormones that it’s time for you to wake up because I have had enough negativity for the day, c’mon, make me feel good!

Final Words

Just remember that you are not going through this alone, maybe someone out there is going through even worse, but that definitely does not mean that what you are going through is not eligible for you to feel bad about your day. Just know that it will get better, it always does. Consider this phase to be an opportunity for you to learn and grow, get emotionally stronger. You can get through this, and I know you will, okay?



Rutvi Dhruva

Hi, there! This page is all about positivity and bringing mental health awareness. Hope one of my blogs makes your day brighter!