How To Deal With Toxic People

Rutvi Dhruva
3 min readJan 2, 2021


Photo by Julia Volk from Pexels

Have you ever been around someone who’s always involving you in their remorse and you want to run away from this negativity tunnel but your sensitive nature tells you to stay behind for them?

Yes, that’s what we will be talking about for the next few minutes. This person might be anyone: your family member, close friend, relative or wait, maybe even you yourself (Don’t raise your eyebrows, we all have been toxic at some point or the other).

But how do we deal with such people Rutvi, you ask? Well, here it is:

Don’t Join Their Pity Parties

We all know the rules: “Stay away as much as you can”. The only way toxic people can actually affect you is if you get dragged down with them in their negativity tunnel. I know how good you all are at making excuses (I know you canceled plans with 388432 people so you could chill at home).

Stand Up For Yourself

Photo by Alex Green from Pexels

You don’t have to think about what they are going through or what they will go through if you say something against them if you yourself are getting hurt in this process. I am not asking you to yell or cry out spells but just one sentence in a mild tone: “Your this type of behavior was wrong and it made me upset.”

And let me tell you this very clearly, there can never be an excuse that is acceptable if it hurts you. Read that again!

Buy Yourself Some Time

If you’re not ready to deal with a person at any given point in your life, you simply don’t have to. You have the right to put yourself first over others. Make yourself a priority if you want to save yourself from toxic people. You don’t owe anybody anything if it comes to the price of your own mental peace and well-being.

Boundaries, please!

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels

There’s a certain limit to which you can entertain drama and toxicity before you yourself indulge in it. The best person to know these boundaries is you yourself. Make sure you take a step back when your brain screams ENOUGH. Again, put yourself first over others.

For Once, Don’t Let Go

I know that person is your dearest family member or best friend or whatever closest person ever, too much kindness kills. Even if you don’t get affected by their words, it is important to stop them if the water overflows.

Too much compassion is of no use if, in return, you’re getting lowered down and losing your self-respect. In no way or condition or situation are you entitled to go through any sort of humiliation.

Final Words

We all have encountered or are encountering toxic people in our lives and sometimes we just have to deal with them for different reasons. Maybe our work is associated with them, or we have to share our space.

As much as the above tricks are going to help you to deal with them, it is very important for you to know that you don’t have to deal with them forever. If they start affecting your mental health, you have the option to talk to somebody who can distance you from this person (maybe your boss, or another family member). You don’t have to compulsorily ever deal with anybody. Period.



Rutvi Dhruva

Hi, there! This page is all about positivity and bringing mental health awareness. Hope one of my blogs makes your day brighter!