Promises You Should Make To Yourself Today and Every Day!

Rutvi Dhruva
4 min readApr 13, 2021
Photo by Min An from Pexels

“I promise I’ll be always there for you.”

“I promise I will take care of this matter.”

“I promise I will bring benefits to this company.”

We all have made a lot of promises. May it be to our family, friends, loved ones, coworkers, companies we work for, you can make somebody feel worthy and special when you promise them something.

But what about you? How do you make yourself feel worthy and special? Simply by making promises to yourself! If this sounds vague to you, let me tell you, it did to me too until I started making them and sticking those to my mirror and referred to them every morning.

It is a small self-care activity you can take up in the morning and remind yourself that yes, I deserve all this love, care, respect, attention and I am worthy of everything I want to achieve.

So without any further ado, let’s get these promises on our sticky notes:

“I promise to accept myself the way I am and work on my flaws rather than judging them. I promise to prioritize myself over any negative feeling about myself and work towards becoming the best version of myself.”

Low self-esteem? Here’s some posi-tea-vity! This promise is mandatory, no excuses here. The best part is you are not only accepting yourself the way you are but also promising that you will do your best to improve. Remember, growth is also self-care.

“I promise to love myself before loving anybody else. I promise to first look out for my mental health and then of my loved ones.”

Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

Being there for others is great until it means harming your own mental health. It is okay to need some time for yourself and not be there for your loved ones when they need you. If you need yourself more right now, you need yourself, you don’t need to explain this to anyone.

“I promise to move out of a situation or relationship that is draining me out emotionally. I promise to understand that I cannot control how people feel about me.”

You are not obliged to face something that you are not prepared for, even if this means you don’t want to face it ever. Stop thinking about what you did wrong that people think of you in a certain way. People have opinions, but their opinions aren’t necessarily the truth.

“I promise to not seek validation from others and know that I don’t need to prove myself to anyone out there. I promise to look for what I love and what makes me happy rather than becoming a people pleaser.”

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

We all are on different paths, so there’s no point showing somebody else where you have reached in your journey, especially when they know nothing about yours and you know nothing about theirs. You are not competing with anyone, just growing at your own pace.”

“I promise to let go of my past and concentrate on my present ambitions, people, situations, work, and projects. I promise to appreciate the people who have been through the thick and thin with me and prioritize time for them rather than delving into my past.”

Move on. Even if you are hurt, believe that you can still find love — in other people, in things, in surroundings, in yourself. You don’t have to stick with the same people your entire life. Explore, enjoy and engage.

Final Words

As it is always said, “Don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.”

Making promises is very simple, but keeping them is what builds trust. Build that trust with yourself, that you will take care of yourself, love yourself no matter what, without any terms and conditions. That is how you make your self-worth grow stronger and you put it inside your head that you matter.

Make these promises to yourself, stick them to your mirror, remind yourself every day that you are worth it all.



Rutvi Dhruva

Hi, there! This page is all about positivity and bringing mental health awareness. Hope one of my blogs makes your day brighter!