Today, Let’s Deep Clean Your Mind!

Rutvi Dhruva
4 min readApr 9, 2021
Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels

If you are somebody like me, decluttering your closet just appears once in a year on your To-Do List. But if this is the same case for you when it comes to your mind, we need to really do something about it.

Your mind needs a break from those racing thoughts, stress, and anxiety. It needs a little refreshing spring clean to get on the right track. Don’t worry, there’s no rocket science involved here, and no, it’s not even as boring as cleaning a closet.

Here are a few activities you can do to maintain your mental hygiene:

Welcome the Better Version of Shavasana

Remember that time when you were working on something and all you wanted to do was just hug your bed tight and go to sleep? Yes, we both know this is going to be our favorite activity (also, tricking you into getting glued to this article).

So here’s what you have to do: Simply lay on your couch or bed or even your floor. I just want you to be in a sleeping position. Now start taking deep breaths and with every exhale release a negative phrase that has been secretly lingering around in your head. That’s it.

You might feel a strong urge to go to sleep during this activity, so make sure you have a goal of at least 5–10 negative thoughts and after that, you can doze off.

Paper And Pen, Please

Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

I know you are too lazy to write anything down, but this is a game-changer. Just removing negative thoughts out of your mind won’t do the job, you need to instill positive thoughts as well.

So now, you will need a pen and paper to write down all the positive things that have happened to you recently and also jot down some of your positive attributes you can identify within yourself.

I am pretty sure you are feeling extremely good now and the reason why I told you to write it down on paper is that this can be used in the future whenever you think negatively about yourself. Sounds good? Let’s move ahead then!

Dance Party Alert!

Now that we have played with all the positives and negatives it’s time to give yourself a little treat. Put on your favorite music and sway to it like there’s no tomorrow! I don’t think I need to explain this but just dance with all your heart. Forget all of your worries here.

The Basics

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Let’s not forget the core of our mental well-being: Good Sleep and Nutritious Food. Take note of how many hours you sleep, is it enough? How can you make it a habit to sleep consistently every night?

When it comes to food, take note of how many calories you intake? Do you need to add or reduce or work out any sort of math there? Are you eating healthy? Are there fresh fruits or french fries in your refrigerator?

Get back on track and just remember that you don’t have to do all of this today itself, you can spread it over a few days or weeks.

Walky Walky

(Don’t judge, I just didn’t want to write the typical “Go for a walk,” okay?)

I am not talking about the walks you go for every day or the walks where you pass people like a breeze. What I am talking about here is a calm slow-paced walk where you feel alive, you take notice of the surroundings and everything is just so tranquil!

You can also play your favorite music to make it more fun or go to your favorite bakery after the shop, whatever pulls you out of your bed to go for a little 20-minute walk.

Final Words

Life is super stressful right now, especially with everything that is going on in the world right now. Even though we might feel alright, it is always good to check up on ourselves, know whether we are actually alright or just in denial.

Lastly, it is okay to take a break. There’s nothing this world can’t do without you for one day. Have no shame in asking people for some time alone, a break for yourself, or just excusing yourself out of some work. You are more important than anything you are doing.



Rutvi Dhruva

Hi, there! This page is all about positivity and bringing mental health awareness. Hope one of my blogs makes your day brighter!