Ways To Cope With Loneliness

Rutvi Dhruva
4 min readApr 22, 2021


Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

We are all social beings, so we are bound to feel lonely at some point even if we have our own individual goals and schedules. But with loneliness comes overthinking, that feeling that why am I so lonely or why do people not like me?

This is something almost all of us have been through and the worst part is that we all cope up with this in the most toxic way — yes, by ignoring this feeling. While you think this idea will work, it is doing you more harm than help. But you have got me and some of my amazing activities to deal with loneliness and feel powerful again:

Identifying The Root Cause

You definitely do not feel lonely all the time, then why do you feel lonely now? Is it because you think you have no real connections or is it because you have nothing to do? Journaling would really help you identify this root cause and once you have found it, think about what you can do about it?

If you have nothing to do, how about we join a new course, or if you feel you have no real connections, how about you join a community or just reconnect with your old friends on social media. Now you have a solution for your loneliness!

You Think You Are The Only One?

There’s always somebody who’s having it worse than you. That definitely doesn’t mean that what you are going through isn’t valid. You feel lonely? Visit an orphanage or an old age home, spend some time there and I am sure, this will make you happy.

Once you are back, journal about how the experience was, and then think about your loneliness. This will help you realize where your loneliness is coming from and then the next time you feel lonely, you can read this experience and smile, and understand that this feeling is temporary.

Group Meditations

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

I know you are probably wondering why would you even want to meditate in a group, but here’s the reason behind it:

When you are in a group meditation, you realize how you all are together and at the same time grounded individually, which is what life is in short. We were born individuals and we have our own individual identity, we just stay together to learn, grow and explore. So always remember that your individuality matters more than how many people you connect with or form a bond or the number of people that stay in your life.

You are the only constant in your life, and that is what should matter!

Alone Time Isn’t That Bad Afterall

Maybe this is the time for you to reflect on your goals, relationships, focus on different areas of your life, connect with the friends you haven’t talked to for a decade, and a lot more.

You can even build new habits, routines, practice self-care activities, declutter your room, or finally have a bath (caught you!). You could make so much use of this time and if you feel that this loneliness is getting worse, maybe get in touch with a professional or a trusted friend and use this time to take a look at your mental health.

A Furry Friend Is Much Better, Trust Me!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

We always complain about not receiving the love we give. Well, here’s someone with whom you wouldn’t have such complaints. May you be a cat person or a dog person, having a pet makes a lot of difference when it comes to your mental health.

Your pet will love you unconditionally, you just have to take care of its basic needs. Plus, a cute pet attracts a lot of people, maybe that way you can connect more with people.

Final Words

Being lonely or the number of people you have in your life does not define who you are. You being alone does not mean you are incomplete. Ground yourself, find your own individual goals, values and know that you are enough to be complete. You don’t need other people to complete you, nor do others need you. We are just complete individuals trying to make sense of our individual lives together. No amount of addition or subtraction of people in our lives defines the course of our life, for, they are just the passengers, we are the drivers!



Rutvi Dhruva

Hi, there! This page is all about positivity and bringing mental health awareness. Hope one of my blogs makes your day brighter!