Random Mental Health Tips I find Useful In These Times

Rutvi Dhruva
4 min readMay 14, 2021
Photo by Анастасия Беккер from Pexels

It is unexplainable what each one of us is going through during these times. In India, where Mental Health has never been taken seriously, today when almost all of us are preys of depression, anxiety, grief, we still continue with our daily lives, as if it is nothing.

Neither do we want to validate our nor other person’s feelings, “it is just a phase” we say. We continue with our daily lives thinking it will all just vanish magically someday when we are actually worsening our mental health.

I understand that there are some places you just need to be at and some things you just have to do. But here are a few tips you can incorporate into your daily lives and keep your mental health in check:

Start With The Basics

You are not a plant that needs somebody else to water it. You have been given the ability to take care of yourself, so do that, please.

You are a human, humans have a brain and a lazy body, and both need to be worked for around 16 hours. The least you can do is drink enough water, exercise, eat nutritious food and get 8 hours of sleep.

Nothing comes above your basic self-care — no phone calls, no emails, no chores, and don’t even bring up your good-for-nothing 9–5 job.

Cutting The Toxics

Photo by Elijah O’Donnell from Pexels

Drinking and Smoking is totally your choice, but here is a friendly reminder to not intake more than your body can take hold of. A limit, a boundary is what I am talking about over here.

And the greatest toxic tool we have — our phones. Do you ever keep that thing away from you? (I know you even take it to the loo)

Take a social media detox maybe? Or if that is too much I even have a fun social media detox plan if you are interested? Or you can just throw your phone away, I don’t care. But that phone is trying to overwhelm you and drain you emotionally and you need to keep it away, that’s it.

Oh! Those Little Things

Soaking up the sun in the morning, having a cup of your favorite tea or coffee, breathing in the fresh air, getting ready just for yourself, watching your favorite shows, and being grateful for everything you have. That’s it, what else do you need?

I mean obviously, we all wanted these years to be something else, more fun, more enthusiastic, and what not. But we are stuck and can’t do anything about it so just breathe in and watch the sunset. You will feel good.

There are times when you want to try a new restaurant out, but when you are sad, you will order the same thing from the same restaurant for the 391st time. That is because we find real joy in the mundane things, we find a sense of comfort. You need that comfort right now.

Okay Stress, It’s Over

You have every right to take some time off if you are feeling extremely stressed and overwhelmed. May it be work, personal relationships, or some community you work for, if you are stressed you can take a step back and rest.

Just how a snack needs to be reheated to get its amazing flavor back, you need to take some time off and get your real flavors back. (Yes, that means you are a snack. But that also means if you don’t rejuvenate yourself, you are nothing but a stale piece of bread trying to be a blueberry cheesecake).

So, What Are Your Hobbies?

So everybody has a set of hobbies or activities they like to do or something new they are waiting to experiment with or a certain habit like meditation or yoga they were going to start last year and they want some free time to do these things.

You are not feeling your best self, you are anything but productive right now, and that’s okay, take this as a sign that your hobbies miss you and you need to live a little. Instant happiness, guaranteed.

Final Words

Every time, I end my blog with a lovey-dovey message but I am very angry with you today so leaving you with a fair warning that if you don’t take care of yourself if you don’t take some time off if you don’t take your mental health seriously if you don’t perform some self-care activities then…I can’t really do anything. But then you will be a stale piece of bread trying to be a blueberry cheesecake.



Rutvi Dhruva

Hi, there! This page is all about positivity and bringing mental health awareness. Hope one of my blogs makes your day brighter!